
Chester, Charles C., Aaron M. Lien, Juanita Sundberg, Jay E. Diffendorfer, Columba Gonzalez‐Duarte, Brady J. Mattsson, Rodrigo A. Medellín et al.  2022. Using ecosystem services to identify inequitable outcomes in migratory species conservation. Conservation Letters 15, no. 6 (2022): e12920.

Thogmartin, W. E., Haefele, M. A., Diffendorfer, J. E., Semmens, D. J., Derbridge, J. J., Lien, A., … & López‐Hoffman, L. 2022. Multi‐species, multi‐country analysis reveals North Americans are willing to pay for transborder migratory species conservation. People and Nature 4(2), 549-562.

Mattsson BJ, J Devries, JA Dubovsky, DJ Semmens, WE Thogmartin, JJ Derbridge & L López-Hoffman. 2020. Sources and dynamics of international funding for waterfowl conservation in the Prairie Pothole Region of North America. Wildlife Research 47:279-295. 

Mattsson BJ, J Devries, JA Dubovsky, DJ Semmens, WE Thogmartin, JJ Derbridge & L López-Hoffman. 2020. Linking landscape-scale conservation to regional and continental outcomes for a migratory species. Scientific Reports 10:4968.

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Kleeman J, M Schröter, KJ Bagstad, C Kuhlicke, T Kastner, D Friedman, CJE Schulp, S Wolff, J Martínez-López, T Koellner, S Arnhold, B Martin-Lopez, A Marques, L López–Hoffman, J Liu, M Kissinger, CA Guerra, & A Bonn. 2020. Quantifying interregional flows of multiple ecosystem services – a case study for Germany. Global Environmental Change 61:102051. 

Koellner, T, A Bonn; S Arnhold, KJ Bagstad, D Fridman, CA Guerra, T Kastner, M Kissinger, J Kleemann, C Kuhlicke, J Liu, L López-Hoffman, A Marques, B Martín-López, CJE Schulp, S Wolff & M Schröter. 2019. Guidance for assessing interregional ecosystem service flows. Ecological Indicators.

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Bagstad, KJ, DJ Semmens, JE Diffendorfer, BJ Mattsson, J Dubovsky, WE Thogmartin, R Wiederholt, J Loomis, JA Bieri, C Sample, J Goldstein, & L López-Hoffman. 2018. Ecosystem service flows from a migratory species: Spatial subsidies of the northern pintail. Ambio.

Bieri, J. A., C. Sample, W. E. Thogmartin, J. E. Diffendorfer, J. E. Earl, R. A. Erickson, P. Federico, D. T. T. Flockhart, S. Nicol, D. Semmens, T. Skraber, R. Wiederholt, and B. J. Mattsson. 2018. A guide to calculating habitat-quality metrics to inform conservation of highly mobile species. Natural Resource Modeling 31(1),e12156

Erickson, R.A., Diffendorfer, J.E., Norris, D.R., Bieri, J.A., Earl, J.E., Federico, P., Fryxell, J.M., Long, K.R., Mattsson, B.J., Sample, C. and Wiederholt, R., 2018. Defining and classifying migratory habitats as sources and sinks: The migratory pathway approach. Journal of applied ecology, 55(1), pp.108-117.

Haefele, MA, JB Loomis, AM Lien, JA Dubovsky, RW Merideth, KJ Bagstad, T Huang, BJ Mattsson, DJ Semmens, WE Thogmartin, R Wiederholt, JE Diffendorfer, & L López-Hoffman. 2018. Multi-country willingness to pay for transborder migratory species conservation: a case study of northern pintails. Ecological Economics. 157:321-331.

Haefele, MA, JB Loomis, R Merideth, AM Lien, DJ Semmens, J Dubovsky, R Wiederholt, WE Thogmartin, T Huang, G McCracken, RA Medellin, JE Diffendorfer, & L López-Hoffman. 2018. Willingness to pay for conservation of transborder migratory species: a case study of the Mexican free-tailed bat in the United States and Mexico. Environmental Management.

Sample, C., J. Fryxell, J. Bieri, P. Federico, J. Earl, R. Wiederholt, B. J. Mattsson, D. T. T. Flockhart, S. Nicol, J. E. Diffendorfer, W. E. Thogmartin, R. A. Erickson, D. R. Norris. 2018. A general modeling framework for describing spatio-temporal population dynamics. Ecology and Evolution 8:493–508.

Schröter, M, T Koellner, R Alkemade, S Arnhold, K Bagstad, K Erb, K Frank, T Kastner, M Kissinger, J Liu, L López-Hoffman, J Maes, A Marques, B Martín-López, C Meyer, C Schulp, J Thober, S Wolff, & A Bonn. 2018. Interregional flows of ecosystem services: Concepts, typology and four cases. Ecosystem Services

Loomis, J, M Haefele, J Dubovsky, AM Lien, WE Thogmartin, J Diffendorfer, D Humburg, K Bagstad, BJ Mattsson, R Merideth, D Semmens, & L López-Hoffman. 2018. Do economic values and expenditures for viewing waterfowl in the U.S. differ among species? Human Dimensions of Wildlife 23:587-596.

Mattsson, BJ, JA Dubovsky, WE Thogmartin, KJ Bagstad, JH Goldstein, JB Loomis, JE Diffendorfer, DJ Semmens, R Wiederholt & L López-Hoffman. 2018. Recreation economics to inform migratory species conservation: Case study of the northern pintail. In Journal of Environmental Management

Semmens, D, K Bagstad, R Wiederholt, J Goldstein, J Loomis, J Diffendorfer, K Oberhauser, L Ries, W Thogmartin, B Mattson, B Semmens & L López-Hoffman.  2018. Spatial ecological and economic subsidies of the monarch butterfly in North America.  Invited submission to a special issue of Ecosystem Services

Wiederholt, R, BJ Mattsson, WE Thogmartin, MC Runge, JE Diffendorfer, RA Erickson, P Federico, L López-Hoffman, JM Fryxell, DR Norris & C Sample. 2018. Estimating the per-capita contribution of habitats and pathways in a migratory network: a modeling approach. Ecography 41:815-824.

Earl, JE, S Nicol, R Wiederholt, JE Diffendorfer, D Semmens, DTT Flockhart, et al. 2018. Quantitative tools for implementing the new definition of significant portion of the range in the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Conservation Biology 32:35–49. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12963.

López-Hoffman, L, J Diffendorfer, R Wiederholt, R Medellin, G McCracken, WE Thogmartin & D Semmens.  2017. Operationalizing the telecoupling framework by calculating spatial subsidies in the ecosystem services of migratory Mexican free-tailed bats. Special Issue. Ecology and Society 22: 23. 

López-Hoffman, L, C Chester, D Semmens, W Thogmartin, MS Rodriguez-McGoffin, R Merideth & JE Diffendorfer. 2017. Ecosystem services from transborder migratory species: implications for conservation governance. Annual Reviews in Environment and Resources, 42:509-539. 

López-Hoffman, L, C Chester & R Merideth. 2017. Conserving transborder migratory bats, preserving nature’s benefits to humans: the lesson from North America’s bird conservation treaties. BioScience, 67:321-322. 

Wiederholt, R, KJ Bagstad, GF McCracken, JE Diffendorfer, JB Loomis, DJ Semmens, AL Russell, C Sansone, K LaSharr, P Cryan, C Reynoso, RA Medellín & L López-Hoffman. 2017. Improving spatio-temporal benefit transfers for pest control by generalist predators in cotton in the southwestern US. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management, 13:27-39. 

Medellin, R, R Wiederholt & L Lopez-Hoffman. 2017. Conservation relevance of bat caves for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Biological Conservation

Oberhauser, K, R Wiederholt, J Diffendorfer, L Ries, L Lopez-Hoffman, D Semmens, W Thogmartin, & B Semmens. 2017. A trans-national monarch butterfly population model for identifying regional conservation priorities. Ecological Entomology. 42:51-60. 

Thogmartin, WE, L López-Hoffman, J Rohweder, J Diffendorfer, R Drum, D Semmens, S Black, I Caldwell, D Cotter, P Drobney, LL Jackson, M Gale, D Helmers, S Hilburger, E Howard, K Oberhauser, J Pleasants, B Semmens, O Taylor, P Ward, JF Weltzin, & R Wiederholt. 2017. Monarch habitat restoration in the Midwest: “All Hands on Deck.”  Environmental Research Letters, 12: 074005. 

Thogmartin, WE, JE Diffendorfer, L López-Hoffman, K Oberhauser, J Pleasants, BX Semmens, D Semmens, OR Taylor & R Wiederholt.  2017. Density estimates of monarch butterflies overwintering in central Mexico. Peer J, 5, e3221. 

Thogmartin, W, R Wiederholt, K Oberhauser, R Drum, JE Diffendorfer, S Altizer, O Taylor J Pleasants, D Semmens, B Semmens, R Erickson, K Libby & L López -Hoffman. 2017. Monarch population decline in North America: Identifying threatening processes.  R. Soc. open sci. 4:170760. 

Semmens, B, D Semmens, W Thogmartin, R Wiederholt, L Lopez-Hoffman, Diffendorfer, J Pleasants, K Oberhauer, & O Taylor. 2016. Quasi-extinction risk and population targets for the Eastern, migratory population of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus). Nature Scientific Reports, 6:23265. 

Nicol, S, R Wiederholt, JE Diffendorfer, BJ Mattsson, WE Thogmartin, D Semmens, L López-Hoffman & DR Norris. 2016. A management-oriented framework for selecting metrics used to assess habitat- and path-specific quality in spatially structured populations. Ecological Indicators 69:792–802.

Nicol, S, R Wiederholt, JE Diffendorfer, BJ Mattsson, WE Thogmartin, DJ Semmens, et al. 2016. A management-oriented framework for selecting metrics used to assess habitat- and path-specific quality in spatially structured populations. Ecological Indicators 69:792–802.

Wiederholt, R, L Lopez-Hoffman, C Svancara, G McCracken, W Thogmartin, J Diffendorfer, K Bagstad, P Cryan, A Russell, D Semmens & R Medellin. 2015. Optimal conservation strategies for Mexican free-tailed bats: A population viability and ecosystem services approach. Biodiversity and Conservation 24:63-82. 

Wiederholt, R, L López-Hoffman, J Cline, RA Medellín, P Cryan, A Russell, et al. 2013. Moving across the border: modeling migratory bat populations. Ecosphere 4: art114.

COnservation Letters

Using ecosystem services to identify inequitable outcomes in migratory species conservation


Biodiversity conservation efforts have been criticized for generating inequitable socio-economic outcomes. These equity challenges are largely analyzed as place-based problems affecting local communities directly impacted by conservation programs. 

The conservation of migratory species extends this problem geographically since people in one place may benefit while those in another bear the costs of conservation. The spatial subsidies approach offers an effective tool for analyzing such relationships between places connected by migratory species.

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