2025. A tiered assessment framework for interregional flows of ecosystem services from migratory species
. Conservation Biology. e70008. https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.70008.
2024. Potential for spatial coexistence of a transboundary migratory species and wind energy development
. Scientific Reports. 14:17050. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-66490-3.
2023. Potential economic consequences along migratory flyways from reductions in breeding habitat of migratory waterbirds
. Biological Conservation. 285:110251. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110251.
2022. Using ecosystem services to identify inequitable outcomes in migratory species conservation
. Conservation Letters. 15, no. 6 (2022). e12920.
2022. Multi‐species, multi‐country analysis reveals North Americans are willing to pay for transborder migratory species conservation
. People and Nature. 4(2), 549-562.
2022. Sources and dynamics of international funding for waterfowl conservation in the Prairie Pothole Region of North America
. Wildlife Research. 47:279-295.
2020. Linking landscape-scale conservation to regional and continental outcomes for a migratory species
. Scientific Reports. 10:4968.
2020. Quantifying the Contribution of Habitats and Pathways to a Spatially Structured Population Facing Environmental Change
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2020. Quantifying interregional flows of multiple ecosystem services – a case study for Germany
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2019. Quantifying source and sink habitats and pathways in spatially structured populations: A generalized modelling approach.
. Ecological Modelling. 407, 108715.. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2019.06.003..
2018. Multi-country willingness to pay for transborder migratory species conservation: a case study of northern pintails
. Ecological Economics. 157:321-331.
2018. Willingness to pay for conservation of transborder migratory species: a case study of the Mexican free-tailed bat in the United States and Mexico
. Environmental Management. doi.org/10.1007/s00267-018-1046-1.
2018. A general modeling framework for describing spatio-temporal population dynamics
. Ecology and Evolution. 8:493–508.
2018. Interregional flows of ecosystem services: Concepts, typology and four cases
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2018. Do economic values and expenditures for viewing waterfowl in the U.S. differ among species?
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2018. Recreation economics to inform migratory species conservation: Case study of the northern pintail
. Journal of Environmental Management.
2018. Spatial ecological and economic subsidies of the monarch butterfly in North America
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2018. Estimating the per-capita contribution of habitats and pathways in a migratory network: a modeling approach
. Ecography. 41:815-824.
2018. Quantitative tools for implementing the new definition of significant portion of the range in the U.S. Endangered Species Act
. Conservation Biology. 32:35–49. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12963.
2018. Ecosystem service flows from a migratory species: Spatial subsidies of the northern pintail
. Ambio.
2018. A guide to calculating habitat-quality metrics to inform conservation of highly mobile species
. Natural Resource Modeling. 31(1),e12156.
2018. Defining and classifying migratory habitats as sources and sinks: The migratory pathway approach
. Journal of applied ecology. 55(1), pp.108-117.
2017. Monarch population decline in North America: Identifying threatening processes
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2017. Operationalizing the telecoupling framework by calculating spatial subsidies in the ecosystem services of migratory Mexican free-tailed bats
. Special Issue. Ecology and Society. 22: 23.
2017. Ecosystem services from transborder migratory species: implications for conservation governance
. Annual Reviews in Environment and Resources. 42:509-539.
2017. Conserving transborder migratory bats, preserving nature’s benefits to humans: the lesson from North America’s bird conservation treaties
. BioScience. 67:321-322.
2017. Improving spatio-temporal benefit transfers for pest control by generalist predators in cotton in the southwestern US
. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management. 13:27-39.
2017. Conservation relevance of bat caves for biodiversity and ecosystem services
. Biological Conservation.
2017. A trans-national monarch butterfly population model for identifying regional conservation priorities
. Ecological Entomology. 42:51-60.
2017. Monarch habitat restoration in the Midwest: “All Hands on Deck”
. Environmental Research Letters. 12: 074005.
2016. Quasi-extinction risk and population targets for the Eastern, migratory population of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus)
. Nature Scientific Reports. 6:23265.
2016. A management-oriented framework for selecting metrics used to assess habitat- and path-specific quality in spatially structured populations
. Ecological Indicators. 69:792–802.
2016. A management-oriented framework for selecting metrics used to assess habitat- and path-specific quality in spatially structured populations
. Ecological Indicators. 69:792–802.
2015. Optimal conservation strategies for Mexican free-tailed bats: A population viability and ecosystem services approach
. Biodiversity and Conservation. 24:63-82.
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